You can subscribe to an e-mail list called CDnetScouts that will allow you to receive district news and information quickly and to share Scouting ideas with other Colonial District Scouters. Although we do have a listing of e-mail addresses for Scouters from last year, this list will require you to subscribe. This will help us to assure that e-mail only goes to individuals who wish to receive it. This keeps us from accidently generating unwanted "junk" mail or SPAM.
Subscribing: To subscribe please send an e-mail to the following address:
No subject line - in the body of the message include the following and nothing else:
Do not include your tagline or signature block.
You should get a confirmation of your subscription within an hour.
After this you can send a message to and have it go to all other subscribers.
Admin Info: Once you have subscribed, you will be able at any time to unsubsribe and stop receiving e-mail from this list. Similarly you will be able to stop delivery when you are going to be away from your e-mail for an extended period due to travel, camp, or whatever reason. Please see CDnetScouts' Welcome Message for additional information about the list and our "rules of the road" for using the list.
Privacy Statement: Information provided by you to join this list will only be used to distribute Scouting information. Your e-mail address will be available to other subscribers.
Special Thanks Our special thanks to Doug Gentry, Council Commissioner - Piedmont Council, California, and
host to the Bowline Web site and family of Scouting Lists for agreeing to host our e-mail list.