Welcome to CDnetScouts
Thanks for joining the online community of Colonial
District Scouters at CDnetScouts. Please take a
few minutes to read this introductory note and
then save it for reference later on. You'll need
to have it, if you wish to unsubsribe from the list
or stop delivery when you are away from your
e-mail for a long period of time. A copy of this
message will also be available at our website
under the heading "e-mail".
As a member of this online community you will receive
e-mails about Colonial District events and information
that you can use in your Scouting program. You can
also send e-mail to the list to share Scouting "how to"
ideas, ask questions, and more. We hope that this
list will serve as tool to help you deliver the promise
of Scouting to the young people we serve.
Our rules are pretty simple:
- In all e-mails be guided by the spirit of the
Scout Oath and Scout Law.
- Congratulate in public, criticize in private
(private e-mail).
- Personal attacks on an individual are not acceptable
behavior - discuss ideas, not personalities.
- Share your ideas, be a friend to all.
- Limit your e-mail to only those issues related to
Scouting in the Colonial District.
- No commercial solicitation or advertising - we want
to avoid losing folks who would regard this as SPAM
- No political issues - we want to keep the list
focused on information that helps deliver the program
to the youth members.
E-mail exchanges can range from simple announcements to
lively discussion of hot topics. As your moderator,
I will try to help assure that we maintain a friendly
online environment that exemplifies the best in living
the Scout Oath and Scout Law.
You are responsible for keeping your e-mail address current. If you change you e-mail list and your mail bounces, you will be dropped from the list. To assure continuous participation, please unsubscribe before changing your address and then resubscribe using your new address
Please set your e-mail program to reply without including the e-mail that you are responding to. This will avoid long e-mails that requote information that everyone has already seen at least once.
Please set your e-mail program to limit the width of your messages to 72 lines. Some e-mail programs cannot read wider messages.
Please set your e-mail program to use plain text (Outlook users should avoid Word Mail, Stationary, etc.). Some e-mail programs cannot read messages that are in html, mime, Word format, etc.
Do not send attachments to the list. If you have a file that you would like to share, please send it to the Colonial District webmaster. I will post the file to our website at
where it will be available to everyone. This will
help avoid long e-mail download times for folks using
a slower modem.
You will receive individual messages from the list. To
instead receive digest versions of the messages, send
the following command to
subscribe digest CDNetScouts
You can send messages to the list and your messages
will be sent to the other list subscribers. Send
messages to:
Colonial District Scouting < CDNetScouts@dynapolis.com >
To send a request, enter the command in the body of
the message and send it to:
Mailing List Requests < list-requests@dynapolis.com >
To receive help, send the following command to
To be removed from the list, send the following command
unsubscribe CDNetScouts
Again I want to thank you for joining our online community
of Colonial District Scouters. I hope that you will share
ideas and enjoy being part of this community.