Try this simple cross-over idea
with some great symbology. Needed: four 4"x4"x5' posts and five 12"x2"x5'
planks. Paint one plank blue, one gold, one red, and one BSA green.
Leave one unpainted. Paint the posts brown.
Ask the Webelos Den Leaders to place one of the posts on the ground in a
N-S direction. Then ask the Scoutmaster to place a second post on the
ground about four feet away and parallel in a N-S direction. Anounce that
this is symbolic of the foundations of Scouting that these leaders have
laid through outings represented by the natural brown color. Then ask
each set of leaders to place an E-W post over the N-S posts about three to
four feet apart, pointing out that by building on Scouting's foundations
leaders have set the stage for bridging the boys from Cub Scouting to Boy
Scouting. Have Webelos #1 and his parents bring the unpainted plank
forward and place it across the E-W posts. State that this represents the
boys as the arrived in Cub Scouting full of potential but unfinished.
(If they were in Tigers use a plank painted orange and make a statement
about how they were on fire to learn about Scouting). Ask Webelos #2 and
parents to bring the blue plank forward and place it snuggly against the
unfinsihed plank. State that this represents the Wolf and Bear years
where with the help of their parents the Scouts became true blue and loyal
friends. Next Webelos #3 comes forward with his parents and places the
gold plank next to the blue to represent their golden years in Cubbing as
Webelos learning important skills through activity badges culminating in
the Arrow of Light. Webelos # 4 comes forward with his parents and the
green plank. Announce that this represents their new beginning as Boy
Scouts who will soon be green Tenderfoot Scouts, anxious to begin the Boy
Scout trail to Eagle. Finally, Webelos #5 and parents put down the red
plank. Comment that this plank is red like the predominant color in the
Eagle badge and represents the beginning of their journey to become Eagles.
Webelos are assembled at the unfinished board side of the now completed
bridge and presented graduation certificates and a patch board of their
Cub Scout badges and awards (many use a large piece of plywood cut in the
shape of a Scout emblem and covered with blue felt on which are mounted
the badges earned by the Scout).
When these presentations are over, the Scoutmaster invites each boy in
turn to cross the bridge. Once over, he is welcomed into the Troop. His
Webelos neckerchief is replaced by the Troop neckerchief in a
presentation. Same thing for each boy. Say some personal words about how
proud you are of their accomplishments and how you know they will work
hard and succeed in whatever they try in Boy Scouting End of ceremony. Go home and cry tears
of pride and joy at seeing them grow up so fast and well.