Badge Hrs Counselors Homework/Badge Requirements

Photography 3
Robichaux, Roger Prepare 3, 4, and 5. Scouts must show item

2 to Scoutmaster for badge completion, or

bring item 2 requirements to the MBJ for

counselor to sign off.

Public Speaking 3
Farnham, Peter Do 1 a, b, and c, and 2; bring Scoutmaster's

note indicating you have successfully

completed these requirements.

Radio 2
Stewart, Bill NOTE: To take this two-hour class Scouts

Pulas, Demi commit to attending three (3) all-day

sessions on subsequent Saturdays, leading to

an FCC technicnian-class amateur radio

license upon successful completion of the

required examination.

Railroading 6
Hellwege, James Do (and bring) 1 (b).

Wells, Bill

Skating 4
Pribble, Lon Do 1 (see or read 3 plays before coming;

bring written reviews); do 2.

Snow Sports/Skiing 3
Hammell, Scott Do 1, 8a.

Space Exploration 3
Hammell, Scott Do (research, prepare, bring and be

Toti, Bill prepared to discuss) 2, 5, 7, 8. Bring your

rockets. Bring scrapbook for 5(b).

Theater 6
Forbes, Jan TBA

Forbes, Aron

Traffic Safety 3
Baerwald, Tom Prepare and bring 1(b)(1), 6.

Truck 3
TBD Research, prepare and bring short written

reports on 1, 7, 8, 11.

Monday, December 06, 1999
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