Colonial District, National Capital Area Council, BSA


Volume 1, Issue #2 ONLINE EDITION August 1998


Dominick Caridi

Training Chairman


Junior Leader Training Workshop Seeks Experienced Scouts and Adult Leaders to Serve on Staff

The Colonial District will continue a successful GW District tradition by offering a Junior Leader Training Workshop as a program activity at the Colonial District Fall Camporee on Saturday, October 17. The JLTW will provide up to 40 preregisted Scouts with an opportunity to build on their experience in troop-level Junior Leader Training . (Participants should already have had troop-level leadership training and hold First Class or higher rank.) Special emphasis will be on

helping Scouts learn how to motive patrols, crews, or troops to work together more effectively with emphasis on shared leadership, planning, communications, and evaluation. Participants will learn by doing, as they help provisional patrols meet a set of challenges while they develop and hone their individual skills.

Tom Baerwald and other members of the Colonial Boy Scout Training Team are planning a Fall 1998 JLTW that Scouts will find both fun and beneficial. To be successful, however, they need some help. Adult

leaders are invited to join the staff, but even more important are experienced Scouts who have demonstrated effective leadership in their troops. These Scout leaders will assume major positions of

responsibility in the JLTW, helping participants to meet the challenges while they serve as models, sharing their own experiences and philosophies.

To volunteer to serve on the staff and/or to suggest good candidates for Scout staff positions, contact Tom at 765-3128 or


The first Colonial District SMF course will be offered this fall. The series of three training sessions will provide a basic grounding in the aims and methods of Scouting, how Scouting is organized, and how a Troop operates.

SMF is a basic training course for all Scouters and interested parents. All Scoutmasters, Assistant Scoutmasters, Committee Members, and interested parents are encouraged to attend. Everyone who takes the course must be registered as an adult leader. The training of adult leadership helps provide a better program to Scouts in troops and that's what it's all about! Trained adults are an essential element in a strong and growing unit.

Mark your calendars with these dates: Thursday, 17 September from 7-10 pm Saturday, 19 September from 8 am to 4 pm at Aldersgate United Methodist Church located at the corner of Collingwood and Fort Hunt Road and 2-4 October at Fort Belvoir Scout area.

The cost of the course is $25. We are limited to 64 participants.

Register not later than 9 September by calling the Course Scribe, Norm Johnson at 360-6730 or by e-mail at No registrations will be accepted after that date, and no "walk-ins" will be permitted. Email messages should include the following information: name, troop number, troop position, address, home and work phone numbers, and email address. For more information, call Course Director Sue Crane at 660-6148 or e-mail at

Scoutmastership Fundamentals Staff Needed

Have you or adult leaders in your Troop completed SMF? If so, Colonial District needs you to fill staff positions for the fall course. We need patrol counselors and assistant patrol counselors. Scoutmasters, we also need Eagle Scouts for the weekend staff to assist in teaching Scout skills.

There will be a staff training session to go over the course and responsibilities of staff members on Saturday, 12 September from 9 pm to 2 pm. Please bring a sack lunch. Drinks will be provided. The location for the staff session will be announced at a later date.

The dates of the course are Thursday, 17 September 7-10 pm, Saturday, 19 September 8 am to 4 pm, and 2-4 October for the outdoor session. If you are interested in being on staff or would like more information call Sue Crane at 660-6148 or e-mail at


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