703-799-7046 or e-mail: Jim_Poole@nps.gov
Colonial District Cub
Plan Now For Your
Are You An Adult Leader In A Cub Scout Pack? If You Are, Then You Need To Begin Planning
JSN99 will be Thursday, September 16, 1999. JSN99 is the premier opportunity in 1999 to take the Cub Scout
message to those boys in our community who are not yet part of the Scouting
program and invite them and their parents to join the FUN!
Scouting is for EVERY boy.
We need to do our best to ensure that every boy and parent in Colonial
District is invited to join the adventure of Scouting, the one that will help
shape the lives of those who are our future leaders of our communities and our
nation. On September 30, 1998, there
were 937 registered Cub Scouts in Colonial District. At the end of December, there were 1,363, or about 9 new Cubs in each
of our 48 schools in the District. On
December 31, 1999, we hope to have 2,000 - this number represents 13 new Cubs
in each school.
Like everything else in Scouting, a successful Join Scouting
campaign depends on our volunteers, those who are already in the program, who
know what it offers to our youth and who will make the commitment to achieve
success. Each Cub Scout pack should
begin planning now to invite all boys and their parents to an elementary school
near their home to learn about Scouting and offered the opportunity to join a
Cub Scout pack. In the National Capital
Area Council, it is the intent that every elementary school in the council be
open on the same night - Thursday, September 16th. If you are unable to conduct your JSN on the 16th, you should
select a date that is closest to the 16th, but not later than the 16th,
as registration forms are due on the 17th and 18th.
Join Scouting Night is a short, fast-moving session where
boys and parents gather to see simple displays and to hear a brief outline for
the Scouting program. They will talk
with adult leaders, fill out applications (parents, too), pay fees and get
needed information about meetings and activities.
Join Scouting Night
requires people to make it work well. Each pack will
need to identify a pack coordinator and one
school coordinator for each of those schools where you recruit new Cubs (see
list below).
The school coordinator presides at JSN99 program at the
school, helps parents register the boys, collects the fees and turns the forms
and fees over to the pack coordinator, who turns them in to Colonial District
on Friday, September 17th or Saturday, September 18th. To do a good job, these people need to be
identified early and begin their coordination with their assigned school.
The school coordinator has one more very important job - to make a classroom presentation
in every classroom on the 16th and flyers to every boy who is eligible to
become a Scout.
National Capital Area Council recommends Join Scouting Night
include exhibits and displays with Scouts in uniform and pictures of their
activities.Name tags should be provided for parents It is critical to
coordinate your use of a school room early with school authorities. After conducting an opening ceremony, the
school coordinator should briefly state the purpose of the meeting and describe
the opportunities for Cubs and how parents can participate in the program. Unit leaders should be introduced and given
the opportunity to tell about the unit.
(Don't forget to invite a unit leader from your local Boy Scout troop to
invite boys who are at least 11 to join the troop.) You may want to organize separate meetings for parents and Tiger
Cub leaders, Cub Scout leaders and Boy Scout leaders. At these meetings, the leaders should emphasize the importance of
the parent joining Scouting along with the boy, since Scouting is a volunteer
NCAC also recommends that you provide information on the
unit to include its leadership, meeting time and place, your chartered partner,
Boys Life subscriptions, the program for 1999-2000, advancement and your Den
organization. You should conclude your
JSN with a game for the boys and leave the school grounds by 9 PM.
away! Don't wait until fall.
· Tell us who your Unit Coordinator is.
· Call or send an email to:
Jane Sanchez: 360-9181,
jsanchez@bna.com OR
Jim Poole: 799-7046,
Your Unit Coordinator should attend the Join Scouting Night
Orientation on August 11 OR September 8 to pick registration forms and other
materials to make Join Scouting Night successful for your Pack, but let us know
NOW who to talk to in your Pack to help you make Scouting available to every
The following is the list of schools in Colonial District
needing a Join Scouting Night presentation this September. Each school is paired to one Cub Scout pack
based upon the recruiting area for the pack.
NOTE: The pack is asked to conduct a Join Scouting Night
presentation at its associated school or schools and to recruit boys for that
pack AND for any other pack that the parent wishes the boy to join, at the
discretion of the parent. Packs
chartered to wards of the LDS Church are not expected to conduct a Join
Scouting Night but should redouble their efforts to enroll all eligible boys in
their packs.
Area 1 Packs: Paired School(s) for JSN99:
129 Barrett
Elem., Mason Elem.
133 Lyles
Crouch Elem., Maury ElemP.
602 Alexandria
Country Day, Saint Mary?s
609 Jefferson
Houston Elem.
614 James
K. Polk Elem, Blessed Sacrament, Patrick Henry Elem.
615 Ramsey
Elem., Adams Elem.
801 MacArthur
1108 Cora
Kelly Elem., Mt. Vernon Elem.
1515 St.
Stephens (Lower School), Grace Episcopal, Immanuel Lutheran
Area 2 Packs: Paired
School(s) for JSN99
867 Bush
Hill Elem., Franconia Elem.
871 Groveton
1076 Calvary
Road Christian, Lane Elem.
1520 Burgundy
Farm Country Day, Cameron Elem., Clermont Elem., Mt. Eagle Elem., Rose Hill Elem.
1943 Browne
Area 3 Packs: Paired
School(s) for JSN99
658 Belleview
Elem., Bucknell Elem., Quander Road Elem.
680 St.
Louis Catholic School, Hybla Valley Elem.
888 Stratford
Landing Elem.
1504 Waynewood
1509 Fort
Hunt Elem.
1852 Hollin
Meadows Elem.
Area 4 Packs: Paired
School(s) for JSN99
118 Fort
Belvoir Elem.
876 & 977 Aquinas Montessori, Mt. Vernon Woods Elem., Riverside Elem.,
Woodlawn Elem., Woodley Hills Elem.
1503 Washington
Mill Elem., Engleside Christian
1519 Hayfield
1900 Gunston
All packs should have already scheduled their Join Scouting
Night, advertised it widely among potential new Cub Scouts and their parents,
and coordinated their presentations with school officials at those elementary
schools with which their pack is paired.
There will be only one opportunity to turn in new
registration forms. That will be from 7
- 10 PM on Friday, September 17th at Aldersgate Methodist Church. The Membership Committee will be available
at that time to review each registration form and ensure that your new Cub
Scouts get registered without delay and will be able to fully participate in
pack activities.
I wish to thank the Commissioner corps, and especially the
Assistant District Commissioners, for their work in making Join Scouting Night
a success in Colonial District. Our
goal is to sign up 13 NEW Cub Scouts in EACH of our 48 elementary schools in
Colonial District. Check this space
next month for results. Questions to Jim Poole 799-7046 (jim_poole@nps.gov) or
Jane Sanchez 360-9181 (jsanchez@bna.com)
202-404-8926 or e-mail: Mike.Crane@bolling.af.mil
703-642-8942 or e-mail:
Colonial District Fall 1999 Camporee
Friday, October 1-Sunday, October 3, 1999 Gunston Hall
Plantation, Mason Neck, Virginia Planning
Coordinator: Jim Garamone; 703/360-5692 -H; 703/428-0610 -W;
jagaram@hq.afis.osd.mil -W.
Jamboree on the Air - October 16, 1999
Jamboree on the Air will be on Saturday, October 16, 1999
from 9:00AM to 5:00PM. Here is an opportunity to explore the magic of radio.
Talk with other scouts around the country and around the world. Webelos earn
their Communicator achievement pin. Boy Scouts can start work on their Radio
merit badge. Scouts of Venturing age can join our Crew and participate in many
new and fun activities. Join the rest
of the district and Venturing Crew 80 at Jamboree on the Air. We are located at
First Christian Church, 2723 King Street, Alexandria, Va. 22302
Venturing Crew 80 supports Metropolitan
Washington Council of Governments Y2K exercise
On Wednesday, September 1, 1999 the Metropolitan Washington
Council of Governments performed its Y2K exercise and Crew 80 was there.
Venturing Crew 80 supplied and operated the net control station for the COG Y2K
exercise. This involved the operation of the Amateur Radio station that
controlled the activity. Several of our Crew members got the opportunity to
work with the Emergency Operations Centers for the member jurisdictions of COG.
The crew passed messages between COG Headquarters and the various jurisdictions
that tested the ability of the Washington region to work and communicate
together in the event of a major Y2K situation. Amateur Radio has been
designated as the backup communications medium for the Council of Governments.
The Crew members passed messages that included such possible scenarios as a
shutdown of Metrorail, bomb threats by Millennium crazies, a helicopter crash
on the Wilson Bridge and several others. It also included power outages and
traffic problems. It basically covered all possible and some improbable
problems that might happen when we move to the next millennium. Our Crew
members performed skillfully using the training Scouting has provided. This is
just one of the opportunities Scouts who are interested in what Venturing Crew
80 has to offer. If you wish to know more please speak with Demi Pulas the Crew
Advisor or Bill Stewart associate advisor.
Mount Vernon Encampment
Spirit of George Washington Encampment
promises to be an exciting event that you won't want to miss. From
Friday evening, November 5, to Sunday morning, November 7, nearly
1,000 Scouts and 150 adults leaders from troops, teams, crews, and posts across
the council will enjoy two nights of camping and a full Saturday of program
activities on the Mount Vernon grounds to help commemorate the life of George
Washington. The Saturday program will include visits to the mansion and other
attractions on the ground; opportunities to interact with re-enactors depicting
Washington as President and Revolutionary soldiers; a special afternoon salute
to George Washington in recognition of the 200th anniversary of his death the
following month; and an exciting campfire with songs and skits from
Washington's time.
Now that we are all back from the summer fun it is time to
start looking at some of the available Scouting programs that are coming
up. As the District Coordinator for the
Encampment at Mount Vernon scheduled for November 5-7, 1999, I must provide one
last chance for participation in
this once in a lifetime activity.
Colonial District contains Mount Vernon and we must
encourage everyone to take advantage of this first opportunity for Scouts to
camp on the grounds of the historic site and participate in a special program
supported by colonial re-enactors. The
District has been allocated 52 spots for Scouts and 9 Scouters. As of this date, we still have several
openings for both Scouts and Scouters.
The 10 rules of civility and community project do not need to be
completed by the application deadline, the rules must be complete by the
Encampment and the community project should be done by year's end.
Some of the Scouts have concerns about the requirements,
they could be brainstormed at a Troop meeting.
For the 10 rules of civility, start a discussion about things people do
that annoy you and the rules can be developed from the resulting ideas. As far as the community project, it could be
a bookshelf at a school or public library containing a range of books about
George Washington, an article in a local or community newspaper or news letter,
write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about Washington's legacy to the
country, arrange for a memorial service for Washington at your church, arrange
for a church, school etc. to have bells tolled a 12 noon on December 14 to
honor George Washington, conduct a flag ceremony using a period flag. I am sure you can help the Scouts come up
with some additional ways to honor George Washington. These are not difficult or time consuming.
Please insure that information about the Encampment gets the
widest possible dissemination among all of the District Units. So far all of the applicants within Colonial
District come from only 4 Units out of almost 50 in the District.
Council has extended the deadline for applications to
participate in the Encampment to September 15, 1999. There is a link to web pages containing detailed information
about the Encampment off the Colonial District Web Page with points of contact
for all the Districts and application procedures.
If you need a copy of the Colonial District youth or adult
application forms, they have been placed in the Roundtable folders for each
unit at each of the past 3 meetings. If
you cannot find who has them, contact me and I will FAX a hard copy or email a
Word file.
All future applications should be accompanied by a check
made out to NCAC in the amount of $35.00 and sent to Charles Traugh as soon as
possible to meet the September 15 deadline.
If you have Scouts or Scouters that have already applied,
remind them to send me a check for $35.00 made out to NCAC to complete the
registration. All Colonial District
applicants to date have been accepted and will be contacted to get the payments
in and remind them to complete the requirements.
We will have a meeting of the Troop before the end of
September so participation in the Camporee can be coordinated.
TRAINING - Dominick Caridi
or e-mail: DSCaridi@aol.com
Cub Leader Training Awards
Congratulations to the following Colonial District
Cub Scout Adult Leaders for their achievements! We look forward to presenting their awards at the 8 September
Roundtable. We encourage all Cubmasters
and Pack Committees to capitalize on the opportunity to properly recognize
their adult leaders by submitting award recommendations to the District.
William J. Kane Pack
888 Cub
Scouter Award
Jeffrey N. Plottner Pack
118 Den
Leader Award
Leonard C. Senia Pack
614 Den
Leader Award
Information PLease!
Pack Leaders and/or
Committee Chairs: Repeat call! Please provide us with a list of the training status for all your
Cub Scout adult leaders by Sunday, 19 September 1999. Please include whether, when, and where he/she participated in
Fast Start, CS Basic, Youth Protection, Webelos Leaders Outdoor, and/or
Train-the-Trainer sessions. Also,
please let us know if you need copies of the Fast Start video. Each Pack Library should have at least one
copy. Email submissions preferred, but
hard-copy accepted!
Cub Leader Training Opportunities
Colonial District
Scoutmastership Fundamentals (SMF) -- it's not just for Boy Scout Leaders! Cub Scout Leaders -- particularly Webelos
Leaders who have completed WLOT -- should consider attending SMF, too. See Boy Scout Training Team Notes!
Cub Scout Leaders Basic
Training Course for
Colonial District will be offered on Saturday, 25 September 1999, at Aldersgate
United Methodist Church (CD Roundtable Meeting location), in the Mount Vernon
area of Alexandria, VA. Further
instructions are available on the CD Website.
Advance registration forms are available at District
Roundtable. Registration on-site will
commence at 0800, and training will begin at 0815. Participants should wear the
proper Cub Scout Leader Uniform and bring a 'sack lunch'.
$8 Registration Fee will include training materials,
'Trained' Tab and Card. Next CSLBT is
scheduled for 30 October 1999; location TBD.
Webelos Leaders Outdoor
Training (WLOT) for
National Capital Area Council (NCAC) is scheduled for 16-17 October 1999. More information to be announced, and
registration flyers will be available at Roundtable. Please note that completion of CSLBT is considered a prerequisite
for WLOT, so please ensure your adult leaders attend our session on 25
September, or contact me for alternate dates and locations for other Districts.
Den Chief Conference
for NCAC is
scheduled for Saturday, 23 October 1999.
No further information, including location, is available at this time,
but we'll get it to you ASAP!
Pow Wow for NCAC is scheduled for Saturday, 20
November 1999. More information to
Colonial District 'Get
Ready!' Training
(proposed) is tentatively) scheduled
for 29 April 2000. We are soliciting
your input for course topics. Here's
your chance to place your requests, and to volunteer your services early!
Scouting Fall Outdoor
Fun at Belvedere Plantation (we'll share these as we get 'em):
Package rates available for Scout groups in September and October in
'The Great Pumpkin Patch' (Hayrides, Pumpkins, Fun Barn) and 'The Amazing Maize
Maze' (2-mile hike). Open Fridays
(4-7), Saturdays (10-6), Sundays (10-4).
Belvedere Plantation is 7 miles SE of Fredericksburg, VA: From I-95, take Exit 126; follow 17 South
for 7 miles to entrance.
Thanks for
all you do, and remember: 'The Boys and
Fun Come Number One!'
Mark Benedict, Colonial District Cub Scout
Training Team Leader (H) 703-924-0457
Jeff Fox, Assistant CD CSTTL (H)
703-780-0683 (W) 703-280-7089 jfox@email.usps.gov
Fundamentals Course
LAST CHANCE TO REGISTER for the fall Scoutmaster Fundamentals Course,
the District's premier fall Scoutmaster Fundamentals Course,
the District's premier training course for all Scouters. It's not just for new Scoutmasters or
Assistant Scoutmasters: anyone active at the troop level, including committee
members, will find it worthwhile. This
is the place to get the knowledge and practical experience to bring a
successful Scouting program to the boys.
The course is a hands-on learning opportunity that covers essential
outdoor skills as well as how patrols and troops are structured and
operate. There are three sessions:
Thursday evening, Sept. 9 (7-10 pm) and Saturday, Sept. 11 (8 a.m. to 4 p.m.)
at Aldersgate, and Friday-Saturday, Sept 17-18 at Ft. Belvoir. It's a popular course and enrollment is
limited so register quickly. Contact
Course Scribe Norm Johnson, at (703) 360-9206 or johnsall@aol.com, Course Director Dom Caridi
at (703) 360-9206 or dscaridi@aol.com, or
Boy Scout Training Team Leader Dave Stewart at (703) 461-7233 or
Junior Leader Training Workshop
NOW for
the District's one-day Junior Leader Training Workshop, which will take place
on Saturday, Oct. 2, during the fall
Camporee at Gunston Hall. To enroll,
Scouts should be at least First Class and have completed JLT in their
Troop. Participation is not limited to those holding (or
expected to hold) senior leadership positions; the purpose of the course is to
enable participants to learn and practice the skills which will enable them to
be more effective if and when they assume responsibilities as elected or
appointed leaders in the future. However, since it may be necessary to limit
registration, Scoutmasters are asked to rank their nominees. (We plan a similar course at the Spring
Workshop Staff:
Each Troop is requested to nominate one or two senior Scouts (Life or
above) to serve on the Workshop staff.
Solid leadership experience and presence is required; attendance at a
previous JLTW session, at IMPESSA or at a similar course is strongly preferred.
Register Now:
For further information, and to nominate Scouts to participate or to
serve on the Workshop staff, contact David Stewart, SM Troop 1515 at (703)
461-7233 or dstew76798@aol.com or
Dominick Caridi, District Training Chair, at (703) 360-9206 or
Merit Badge Jamboree
AND STAFF NEEDED: Save the date: Saturday,
February 26. We want to offer a wide
range of elective Merit Badges, including (but not limited to) American
Heritage, Archaeology, Astronomy, Collections, Computers, Crime Prevention,
Disabilities Awareness, Energy, Engineering, Geology, Journalism, Medicine,
Metalwork, Photography, Public Speaking, Radio, Railroading, Space Exploration,
Surveying, and Weather. But we need
your help now to make the Jamboree a success. Which badges should be offered?
Can you (or another Scouter in your Troop) serve as an instructor or
counselor or assistant for any of these badges? Can you suggest others (teachers, professors, professionals) with
the necessary enthusiasm and expertise to teach our Scouts? Can you help with organization and
registration? Please contact Dave
Stewart, SM Troop 1515, at 703-461-7233 or dstew76798@aol.com.
Out-of-Council Training Opportunity
The Baltimore Area Council will hold its Merit Badge Weekend
on October 22-24 at Camp Cupertino. In
addition to Merit Badges, they will offer Den Chief training, JLT, First Year
Camper, Youth Protection and other courses. Registration deadline: September 15. For further information, visit the website at http://www.eecis.udel.edu/~elloyd/scouts.html
or contact Kenneth Krantz at (301) 829 5080.
Training for CORS and
Committee Members
Attention all Chartered Organization Representatives and Pack/Troop Committee Members: On Thursday, October 28, 6:30 p.m., at Aldersgate UMC, there will be a three hour class for CORs, IHs and MCs covering the practical aspects of the relationship between the pack/troop and its chartered organization, pack/troop administration, and the duties of various pack/troop committee members (including the chair, treasurer, secretary, etc.). For more information, contact David Stewart, Boy Scout Training Team Leader, at 703 461 7233 or dstew76798@aol.com.
Youth Protection Training
All Colonial District Scouters who would like to take the
BSA Youth Protection Training may do so by attending the Saturday, September
11th session of Scoutmastership Fundamentals at Aldersgate UMC. YPT will begin at noon and will end at 1:30 PM
bring a sack lunch.
You are not required to register for SMF in order to take
YPT and there is no fee. However, we
need to know how many are planning to attend.
Please contact Norm Johnson at 703/360-6730 or johnsall6@aol.com.
New Training Course Proposed
What Do You Think?
The Colonial District Training Team would like to offer a
new training course and hereby solicits your opinion.
WHAT: Get Ready Training
(working title)
WHEN: Late April or Early May
(Which date
makes more sense?)
New Scouters who were unable to
take SMF,
WLOT or University of Scouting.
Scouters preparing for summer
to older, high-school aged Troop youth
be invited?)
fill a need, if one exists.
(Does one
Courses would be offered in
2-hour segments.
Two segments
before lunch; two segments after
lunch. Some course might require multiple
segments. Participants would provide their own
lunch. Fees would be kept low - covering council
recover and course materials.
WHICH: Among the courses the team has brainstormed:
· CPR Certification (Red Cross);
· Safe Swim Defense / Safety Afloat;
· Climb On Safety;
· Canoeing / White Water Safety
· First Aid / Prevention (hypothermia, hyperthermia,
· dehydration, insect stings & bites, simple cuts &
bruises, strains/sprains & fractures);
· Camp Hygiene / Sanitation (including safe food handling);
· Cub Scout Summertime Activities;
· WEBELOS resident camp (for first-timers);
· Cub/WEBELOS day camp (for first-timers);
· Boys Scout resident camp (for first-timers);
· High Adventure (for first-timers);
· What other courses should be offered?
A questionnaire will be distributed
to your unit folders at the September R/T and Training Team leaders will be
available to discuss these issues at that R/T, as well. Or, don't wait for the R/T, contact any of
Training Chair: Dominick Caridi
Boy Scout Training Team Leader --
David Stewart
Cub Scout Training Team Leader --
Mark Benedict
We aim to deliver the training you want! Thanks
Philmont Courses Still
I am advised that slots are still avilable in the various
courses being taught at Philmont
this fall, September 19 - 26, 1999 and want
to encourage you to make this
known to all of our Colonial District
Scouters. The curriculum
includes: Project COPE Director Training, Council High-Adventure Trek Planning,
Advanced Boy Scout Leader Camping Skills, Boy Scout Membership Growth, The
Essentials of Climbing/Rappelling, High Adventure SKills Training for Venturing
Advisors, and the Leave No Trace Outdoor Skills and Ethics Masters Qualification Course.
Spouses are welcome but the Center cannot accommodate family
youth members during the September conferences.
If you know of Scouters who may be interested in registering
for one of these courses, please ask that person to contact me via email
(jim_poole@nps.gov) or voice (202-565-1174) to initiate the application.
Yours in Scouting,
Jim Poole
Colonial District Membership Chair
Venture Youth
Protection Training
For Venturing Crews, please note that there is new youth
protection training geared for your youth members as well as crew
advisors. Venturing youth protection
will be discussed during the upcoming Venturing Roundtable, September 8.
Venture, Varsity, and Venturing (V3) Vignettes
Venturing Roundtable
If you missed September’s Venturing Roundtable, you missed a
discussion on the Venturing program and how to put a yearly program together
that provides an opportunity for your Venturers to earn the Bronze, Gold,
Silver and Ranger awards. The Venturing
Roundtable needs you to be a success.
We plan to feature one of the twenty-six Ranger core and elective
requirements each month and will offer Watercraft, Land Navigation, Shooting
Sports, Caving, Wilderness Survival, Leave No Trace, Emergency Preparedness
over the next few months. We meet on
the second Wednesday of each month, beginning at 8 pm at Aldersgate United
Methodist Church at the corner of Fort Hunt Road and Collingswood Road. We encourage Assistant Scoutmaster for
Venture and Varsity Team coaches from ALL districts to attend. Please come and be a part of this new program!!! We can’t do it without you!!
Wilderness First Aid
Two 2-day, 16 hour Wilderness First Aid Courses will again
be offered by Christopher Tate, a locally recognized leader in teaching
wilderness medicine and risk management.
Scheduled for the weekends of September 18-19 and December 4-5, 1999,
this course provides an in-depth introduction to patient assessment,
environmental emergencies, splinting techniques, and other topics. The two days of instruction provide
Wilderness First Aid certification.
This course meets the requirements for the Ranger First Aid elective. Many scouters from our area have completed
this course and have found it to be excellent training. Total cost of the course is $125. Enrollment is extremely limited. To reserve a place, please contact
Christopher Tate, 214 Duncan Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22301, (703) 836-8905 or
visit http://wfa.net.
Survival/Emergency Preparedness
For decades, outdoor recreationalists have planned their
outing using the “10 essentials”. While
this is great for outdoor retailers, there are items that you need to carry
with you that cannot be purchased. This
seminar will introduce concepts to plan and enjoy outdoor adventures with
greater safety and less risk. The
seminar is presented free of charge by Christopher Tate, Director of the
Wilderness Safety Council on September 22, 1999 at 7:30 PM at REI Baileys
Crossroads. Chris will also be offering
an all day Outdoor Leadership and Wilderness Risk Management seminar on
November 6, 1999 from 10:30 AM to 4:30 PM at REI Baileys Crossroads that
expands on these concepts. Class fee is
$75.00 and includes course materials and a copy of Outdoor Leadership by John
Gresham. For more information on either
course, call REI at (703) 379-9400.
DC After Dark
Please join Explorers and Venturers from throughout the
National Capital Area Council for DC After Dark, September 24, 1999. This will be an all night party that
includes a performance at the Kennedy Center, ethical controversies discussion
(a Silver award requirement) on Capitol Hill, pizza on the Mall, a live band
concert the the Daryl Davis Band, and breakfast of the Lincoln Memorial. For more information, contact Yvette Wheeler
at wheelerw@erols.com or visit the the DC After Dark website at
www.homestead.com/dcafterdark. Cost is
only $20.00
Venture Hike-o-ree
Can you believe it!
We will be celebrating a milestone this fall when the 10th Annual Venture Hike-o-ree is held on October 1-3
and November 5-7, 1999 at the Northern Virginia 4-H Educational Center, Front
Royal, VA. Registrations are already
coming and hike selections are made on a FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE BASIS. September 20 is the cutoff date for final
shirt count for the October Hike-o-ree weekend, so you need to get your
planning done soon. Registration forms
are available electronically to coopwright@aol.com. The cost of the Hike-o-ree is $12.00 ($13.50 for extra extra
large shirts). For additional
information, call Cooper Wright, (703) 971-0044 (home) or (703) 358-2802
Ever dream of thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail but found
the idea just a bit overwhelming? Join
over aspiring thru-hikers as well as us day hikers for a day of discussions,
demonstrations and data on planning a long distance hike on October 30, 1999,
from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM at REI Baileys Crossroads. Manufacturer’s representatives from Pur and Vasque will be
available to discuss water purification and footwear for long distance
comfort. The Potomac Appalachian Trail
Club will be available to discuss maps and guidebooks. Local adventurer, Nick Williams, who has
thru-hiked the Appalachian, the Continental Divide, and the Pacific Crest
trails will present a slide show on the Appalachian Trail and share the wisdom
gained from three decades of long distance hiking.
Land Navigation
Looking to brush up on your map and compass skills before
you begin teaching your Venturing Crew?
REI at Baileys Crossroads will be offering a comprehensive two-day
course on November 13-14, 1999. The
first day will be spent in intensive classroom exercises. The second day will be spent on and off
trail in Prince William Forest Park doing practical navigation exercises. The course fee is $60.00 and includes
workbook text, course materials, compass, map, and grid reader. The course is taught by Mr. Tom Terry and is
the best land navigation course I have ever taken. The course fills very quickly, so contact REI at (703) 379-9400.
Escaping From Reality
Colin Fletcher from the
Complete Walker III
I have been told with some regularity that by walking out
and away, I am “escaping from reality”.
I admit the question puts me on the defensive. Why, I ask myself, are people so ready to assume that chilled
champagne is more real than water drawn from an ice cold mountain creek? Or a dusty sidewalk than a carpet of desert
dandelions? Or a Boeing 707 than a
flight of graceful white pelicans soaring in unison against the sunrise? Why, in other words, do people assume that
the acts and emotions and values that stem from the city life are more real
than those that arise from the beauty and silence and solitude of wilderness?
Cooper Wright
Colonial District
Venturing Coordinator
Northern Virginia Venture
Scout Coordinator home: (703) 971-0044 work: (703) 358-2802
District Committee
In lieu of the normal District Committee Meeting we are
having a cook-out with District Committee Members & their families on
September 22nd at 6 PM at Fort Hunt
Park. The meeting will be held at the main shelter (the one with
bathrooms), unless it is still occupied by the group that reserved for earlier
in the day. If it rains the group will
meet at First Christian Church (that means no picnic). This will be a potluck meal. Note: This is
not for the whole district, just the District Committee and their families. (Chartered Organization Representatives are
members of the District Committee).